
Reflectionfromsurfacescanbesplitintofourbroadcategories:diffuse,glossyspecular,perfectspecular,andretro-reflective(Figure8.1).Mostreal ...,由XDHe著作·1991·被引用1039次—Themodelisbasedonphysicalopticsanddescribesspecular,di-rectionaldiffuse,anduniformdiffusereflectionbyasurface.Thereflected ...,Thismultimediapaperelaboratesonthecomprehensivephysically-basedlightreflectionmodelintroducedbyHeetal...

8 Reflection Models

Reflection from surfaces can be split into four broad categories: diffuse, glossy specular, perfect specular, and retro-reflective (Figure 8.1). Most real ...

A Comprehensive Physical Model for Light Reflection

由 XD He 著作 · 1991 · 被引用 1039 次 — The model is based on physical optics and describes specular, di- rectional diffuse, and uniform diffuse reflection by a surface. The reflected ...

A Fast and Accurate Light Reflection Model

This multimedia paper elaborates on the comprehensive physically- based light reflection model introduced by He et al. [11.To explain the model more fully, ...

A Practical, Comprehensive Light Reflection Model

由 H Li 著作 · 被引用 16 次 — The model displays a wide range of directional and non-directional light scattering phenomena and compares favorably against extensive, detailed reflectance ...


The total reflectance is the sum of all eight colors weighted by the corresponding area coverage. Therefore, the Neugebauer equation is based on broadband ...

Models of light reflection for computer synthesized pictures

由 JF Blinn 著作 · 1977 · 被引用 2152 次 — This paper presents a more accurate function for the generation of hilights which is based on some experimental measurements of how light reflects from real.

Phong reflection model

The Phong reflection model is an empirical model of the local illumination of points on a surface designed by the computer graphics researcher Bui Tuong ...

Topic 8

•Physical models of light transport. Page 7. Two ... Ideal diffuse reflectors reflect light according to Lambert's cosine ... Phong reflection model at each ...